Expert #1 Chef Consultancy: Menu Innovation & Food Styling

elevate your event with

Menu development & food styling


Consultancy For Menu development & food styling

Chef consultancy begins with collaboration. 

It is about working together with the owners and chefs of an establishment to improve the efficiency and dining experience for every single one of your customers. 

Let us tell you a little about our consultancy services…

Restaurant & Hotel Consultancy


Menu development is essential to any restaurant, whether you are adding a new item or rebranding and curating an entirely fresh menu.

What are your goals? Let’s accomplish them together.

Refreshing Your Menu & Curating An Unforgettable Restaurant Experience

We work with restaurateurs and entrepreneurs in the ever-evolving food service business to develop an authentic, aligned yet innovative new menu, to perfectly compliment their brand. Food is all about the moment. The seasonality. It’s a living, breathing thing that changes all the time. 

Our menu development & restaurant consultancy service not only centres around creating unique dishes and innovative menus, but also encompasses functionality assessment and operational enhancement recommendations too.

Our goal is to help you build the profitable, impactful eatery that you envision.

Editorial & Promotional

Food Styling & Photography

With a close collective of lifestyle, food & fashion photographers, the Nomad Eats team combine years of experience in food design, digital photography, and video processing to bring your food promotions to life.


We provide not only the culinary expertise that enhances your food styling, but also the art direction and post production experience too. From paying close attention to layout and composition, to marketing appeal including texture, tone, background, angle, and overall impact.

For us, food and art are intertwined, it’s more than a picture, it’s about communicating that brand message perfectly. Nomad Eats becomes an all-in-one, cost efficient process for your food styling needs. 

Interested in our Consultancy Services?

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quality should be consistent & unchanging.
Food should not.

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